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Online Teacher Certificate Programs

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Online teacher certification programs offer the best way for you to earn your teaching certificate. There are many programs offered by colleges and universities. Some are accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. Other programs are offered through non-profit organizations. There are many options available depending on what you are interested in. Online schools that are accredited and recognized by professional organizations can also be chosen. Here are some online teacher-training schools that have been accredited by a professional association.

TNTPTT Fellows

TNTP Training Fellows provide quality teacher training at affordable costs to help students from all backgrounds succeed in the classroom. They are passionate about ending systemic racism and educational inequality. They offer affordable teacher training programs that will prepare students for any classroom. Their programs help students across the country, from New Orleans to Baltimore. By partnering with local schools, TNTP trains teachers to be highly effective in any subject and in any setting.

New York City Teaching Fellows offers a large alternative certification program to aspiring teachers in New York City. The program allows new teachers to work full-time in public schools, and one-on-one training with professionals. The program starts with a preservice training period, which includes observation, practice and learning in a classroom. Fellows can also earn a master's degree, and are eligible for initial teacher certification.

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Teach for America TFA

Teach for America offers online teacher certification programs. Potential teachers can be trained in teaching to secure teaching jobs in low-income communities. Interested applicants should be prepared to meet certain requirements, including a GPA of at least 2.50, citizenship or national legal residency status, and commitment to learning.

First, prospective teachers must know the application timeline for Teachfor America. The program can take up to a year, depending on the region. Once accepted, Teach For America staff will review your application and match you with vacancies in the region. In certain regions, they may also help you prepare for the test. This includes providing study material and connecting you to others who have completed the requirements. If you fail to pass an exam, your start date may be delayed until you have retake it.

DARTC University of Delaware

Two routes are available from the University of Delaware to teach aspiring teachers. It offers a fulltime certification program. There's also an alternative route available for people who have a bachelors degree but limited experience. This hybrid program is ideal for those with limited resources and time. The University of Delaware offers a two-year certificate program that allows candidates to teach in either a charter or public school in Delaware. Candidates also have the option of choosing from one of the many endorsement options.

The National Council of Teacher Education has accredited the University of Delaware's online certificate programs in teacher education. Students can also pursue special education training once they have earned their teaching certificate. Applicants who want to teach special education must complete 15 credits. Applicants who have an undergraduate degree in education can pursue additional specialization through a master's program in special education. Additionally, online education programs from the University of Delaware's School of Education rank among the top 30 in the nation.

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University of West Florida's ABCTE Certification

The ABCTE Certification can be accepted in eight states including Florida. It is also recognized in Arizona and Idaho, Mississippi as well as North Dakota, Oklahoma. Tennessee, Utah and West Virginia. You can earn your certification online. ABCTE certification is an excellent option for teachers who don't have time to attend traditional classes. This certification is open to teachers at all levels of education.

Candidates must pass the ABCTE exam and complete a state-approved teacher education program. Florida certification is earned by teachers who pass the Florida Subject Area Subject Examination. Teachers who hold a non-education bachelor's degree may also be eligible for a professional education certification program. The Florida Department of Education offers the FTCE.

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What should my eLearning course look like?

Your eLearning course must be designed so that learners can interact with it.

This means the design must be simple to navigate and the content should be clear.

This means that the content should be entertaining and informative.

These requirements must be met in your eLearning course. Here are three things you should focus on:


It is important to determine what content you would like to include in an eLearning course. The length of each section in the course must be decided. For example, if your goal is to teach someone how writing letters, then you should decide how much time to devote to each topic.


You must also decide how your learners will navigate your course. Do you want them clicking through each page one by one? Do you want them to skip to the most important parts?


Finally, decide how your course will look. This includes deciding how long each screen will take to load and how big the font size should be. You will also need to decide whether graphics should be included (such pictures).

Once you've made the necessary decisions, it's time to test the course and make sure it works.

What is eLearning exactly?

E-learning can be used to learn online for individuals, institutions, and organizations. It's a way to send information and instructions over electronic media such computers, mobile phones, and other technologies.

The term "e" is used because this type of learning uses technology to deliver content rather than physical materials.

E-learning isn't just for traditional classrooms. It can also happen at home, on-the-road, or anywhere else there is Internet access.

What is the equipment needed for eLearning?

You must ensure that everything is correctly set up on your computer before you begin an online program. You'll probably want to use Adobe Captivate as well as a webcam and microphone.

It is also important to ensure that you have all necessary software on your computer. This includes Microsoft Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Adobe Acrobat Reader Flash Player Java Runtime Environment QuickTime 7 & Shockwave Flash 10.0.

A screen capture program like Camtasia Studio by TechSmith may be something you might want to try. It allows to capture what is happening on the computer screen while you're working.

You might also want to download web conferencing tools like WebEx and GoToMeeting. These programs allow you to connect with other people who are watching the same presentation at the same time. These programs allow you to share your desktop with other people.

Where is eLearning used?

People who are unable to attend face-to–face classes can learn online at their own pace. It can be used to teach another person how to do something.

E-Learning has become a very popular tool for business training.

E-Learning is becoming increasingly popular in schools because it saves money and time.


  • Reliability, validity, and descriptive statistics (The Gambia). Empty CellCRAVEMeanSDACBICOEEHABHEHMPEPOPVSESITRAC0.770.635.080.842) in behavioral intention to use e-learning in The Gambia (53%) and the UK (52%), (sciencedirect.com)
  • India's PC market clocks 9.2% growth to 3.4 million units in the September quarter (economictimes.indiatimes.com)
  • However, e-learning courses that are engaging, well-designed, and interesting are likely to be perceived as useful by e-learners (Roca & Gagné, 2008). (sciencedirect.com)
  • Interestingly, students' participation in online training grew by 142% in the past year alone, indicating how quality education and up-to-date teaching pedagogy are preferred by learners and working professionals to upskill across India. (economictimes.indiatimes.com)

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How To

What are some examples for e-learning What are the potential benefits of elearning?

There are many options for e-learning.

  1. Distance Learning – A distance learning program is conducted entirely over the internet.
  2. On-site Training: A program that involves several participants meeting together to receive training in real time.
  3. Virtual Classroom - A virtual class allows students to interact with teachers and experts through chat rooms, forums and other means.
  4. Webinars, live presentations on the internet. These allow you to make real-time connections with your audience.
  5. Self-Paced Classes - These courses are self-paced and do not require an instructor. You can log into the course whenever it's convenient for you.
  6. Interactive Tutorials – Interactive tutorials can be used to show users how to do specific tasks.
  7. Social Media Learning Portals - Twitter, Facebook and other social media platforms offer great opportunities for learning. Students can communicate ideas, ask queries, and get feedback and support from their friends and peers.
  8. Online Forums- You can discuss any topic related to your field of study in an online forum.
  9. Podcasting - Podcasting refers to the creation of audio files that can later be downloaded and listened too.
  10. Video Conferencing-Video conferencing allows two to three people to meet face to Face virtually.
  11. Mobile Apps – These apps are designed for tablets and smartphones.
  12. Online Quizzes - Online quizzes are a simple way to assess what you know about a topic.
  13. Discussion Boards -- These boards allow you to send messages, read others' messages, and then respond to those messages.
  14. Website Content Management System (CMS) – CMSs allow website owners to update their site content easily.
  15. Blogging - Blogs are websites that allow readers to submit comments and opinions.
  16. Wikis - Wikis are collaborative sites that allow multiple users to edit pages simultaneously.
  17. Chat Rooms - Chat rooms are online discussion areas where users can converse with each other.
  18. Email Lists - Email lists are groups of email addresses where you can send messages.
  19. RSS Feeds – RSS feeds can be described as news aggregators that gather articles from multiple sources and present them in an easily-read list.


Online Teacher Certificate Programs